During the school year 2014-2015 the study group Identity was charged with refreshing and actualising the pedagogic project of the school. The thinking process resulted in a conceptual text expressing concisely the specificity and vision of the Sint-Franciscusinstituut (SFI).
Moreover, a new slogan was launched: SFI: ‘wings for your talent!‘
The inspiring personality of Saint Francis challenges us when guiding our youths and making them wing confidently towards a promising future.
We competently and professionally assist our pupils in developing their talents.
The fundamental attitude in our approach is marked by creativity and dynamism.
We want to give each other “wings” and by doing so zeal to live and learn together. To this end we focus on commitment and team spirit.
SFI ‘is fizzing’ with life and talent to fly towards the future.
In the school year 2015-2016 our school participants and we will substantiate the concept of the renewed pedagogic project with more contents and visions.
SFI, a Catholic (dialogue) school
As a Catholic school we endorse to the general assignment declared by the Board of the Catholic Education in Flanders. The full declaration (in Dutch) can be read on the website of the ‘Katholiek onderwijs Vlaanderen’.
Our pedagogic project is in full accordance with the model of the Catholic Dialogue School elaborated by the KOV.